Two types of imagery sport psychology
Two types of imagery sport psychology

Since the early 1980s, a growing body of evidence has supported that the PST interventions SEP professionals employ do make a difference. Psychological skills training includes the strategies and techniques used to develop psychological skills, enhance sport performance, and facilitate a positive approach to competition. Although the two fields may have different objectives, it can be argued that sport psychology interventions-specifically psychological skills training (PST) interventions-can inform SEP professionals’ research and applied practices with both the sport and exercise populations. The central aim of enhancing the experience and increased self-regulation is oriented toward performance enhancement within sport psychology interventions, whereas within exercise psychology interventions the orientation is toward physical-activity adoption and better exercise program adherence. Traditionally, interventions have been quite varied between the fields of sport psychology and exercise psychology a common thread however, can be seen as an enhancement of the sport or exercise experience, along with an attempt to help the individual better self-regulate engagement with the targeted behavior or mindset. Assessing the degree of an intervention’s effectiveness depends first and foremost on the nature and scope of the intervention (i.e., the objective of the intervention) and its targeted group. It is important for sport and exercise psychology (SEP) professionals to demonstrate that the interventions they employ make a difference.

Two types of imagery sport psychology